vrijdag, april 27, 2007

Anarchist soccer/radical footie/grassroots football

Voor de anarchisten onder ons. Op de volgende site staan wij vermeld bij de links. Anarchist soccer, pffff, wordt omschreven als "In case you may be wondering, when I say "anarchist soccer", I mean it generally to describe the phenomena of people with anarchist/anti-authoritarian politics getting together to play the beautiful game. There's no actual sport called "Anarchist Soccer" with its own rules. Although I have heard of some situationist types playing three-sided soccer... Most anarchist soccer happens in the form of informal pick-up games. Some like to get a little more organized like Chicago's AFA (Anarchist Football Association) and the Kronstadt FC team in the San Francisco bay area. And because of the politics of the people involved, most games are multi-gender and encourage participation from people with all skill levels and experience." - anarchistsoccer.tribe.net

Verder nog ne hoop vertrouwde namen bij de links, maar één doet toch de wenkbrauwen fronsen. Het BadAss anarchist soccer tournament in San Francisco daarentegen spreekt me precies wel aan.

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